Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thinking about weeds
I'm not a yardwork perfectionist, but I am a big fan of a freshly cut and neat yard. The yard I inherited when I purchased this house I am confident was well taken care of. Even so, here and there - along the edges mostly - dandelions raise their heads in defiance. The kids love them. I mean, what kid doesn't love to grab a handful of ripe white dandelions and blow as hard as they can to see those seeds scatter in the wind? The problem is, and the kids have no way of knowing, that they are only making the problem worse as those seeds dig in their roots wherever it is that they land only to start the cycle over again.
The funny thing is that it took absolutely no effort on my part to get those weeds to grow in my yard. In fact, the only thing that was required of me was to do nothing. On the contrary, I look at all of the desireable things we are wanting to grow in the garden. They require planning and a lot of work from start to finish. Not only do you have to focus on those good things, but you also have to pay attention to the weeds and pests and everything else that would keep these desireable 'fruit' from developing.
I can't help but see the parallels with our struggles with sin. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to get wrapped back up in sin - even those that we thought we had defeated long ago. It may only require us to relax for a moment and not actively fight the 'weeds' from creeping back in. At the same time, I'm always frustrated that it takes so much effort (it seems) for me to stay dedicated to the worthwhile things: quiet times, prayer, etc.
Makes me think of Paul 'fighting the good fight' and 'finishing the race.' (2 Timothy 4:6) After all, no matter how perfect we think we have our yard at any given moment, the yards all around are full of dandelions just waiting to drift back over and take up root again.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Your rich life now?
The letter was supposedly from some (ex?)preacher that had prayed over every word in the letter and was led for some reason to send it to me (and everyone else on his mailing list.) It contained instructions on how to send off for my FREE golden cross trinket - which had also been prayed over extensively. Once I had this cross and was wearing it, keeping it in my pocket, etc., I was pretty much guaranteed to be blessed spiritually, physically, and most of all financially. What a deal!
This letter was quite long - also included a separate sealed section containing prophecies just for me regarding my upcoming success that I wasn't to open until I had received my cross - and full of testimonies of others that had received theirs and were singing it's praises. All from their newly acquired mansions, I'm sure. It soon found its way to the trash - but of course not before I tried to convice Kel that I was going to send off for one first. :)
It was completely based on Matthew 18:19, which says: "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Hmm. Well, I guess we have God right where we want him, huh? Congratulations! Looks like we just secured our genie in a bottle.
You don't have to look far to know that the prosperity gospel is alive and well. And, to their credit, Jesus did say that he came to give us life and give it abundantly. But, how about some perspective? This God who gave up his own son for us, to spare us from his wrath, for no other reason except that he loved us in spite of our hatred toward him... is now turning to us and saying "whatever you ask I'll do." And our first thought is "show me the money!" Could there be a bigger slap in the face? Could there be a more clear way to look at the astounding gift of grace and dismiss it as not enough? It can't be an accident that God made that promise. However, I've got to think that just maybe before we take him up on it we might want to consider his selflessness towards us and make our request in the same way.
Rant over. Oh well, maybe we'll get our billion dollar sweepstakes notification in the mail next week and I'll take it all back . . . ;)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Well, that should about do it . . .
It's funny how it touches so many things we do. It's kind of like when you lose electricity at your house - sound familiar lately? "Oh, I can't turn the light on. Oh well, I'll just watch some tv... wait. Hmm. Oh, yeah... how silly. I'll just start the dishwasher..." And even though you are reminded at every turn that the power is out, you still hit every light switch as you walk into every dark room...
Even though we apparently moved just past the end of civilization - where not even the Internet has found it's way to yet - I'm reminded every day that it's good to be home. Hopefully, I'll remember to write some of it down.